Love and magic in the air for this Valentine's
Valentine's Day - Beth brings in the change that was long coming
If you are new here, start with the Prologue of The Valentine Love Story.
The previous two episodes - 6. High Hug, 7. Kind of a kiss. These two were not emailed.
Varied Valentine’s
Mia was not ready for the party that awaited her at Oliver’s shop or bakery or whatever they were calling it now.
Her wide eyes met the owner’s who was busy serving coffee to everyone present.
“What’s happening? And where is Kerry?” She received a peck as she put the cookies on the counter. Beth swatted at the reaching hands like flies.
“She told me they are here for us.” Oliver whispered in her ear.
“I don’t understand” she looked at him before she spotted the little man making rounds with all the guests, “Kerry, we are getting late for school.”
“I shut down the school for today. Didn’t you check your phone?” The principal grabbed a cookie behind Beth’s back.
Mia searched for the device in her bag, “The school will remain shut today to celebrate love. For adults. Kids, go play!”
Oliver laughed at her scrunched nose, “Kerry was offended when I showed him this.”
She put her phone back with a laugh. Beth allowed Kerry to distribute the cookies fairly to everyone before she turned to the couple, “It is actually not for you two per se, I wanted to gather all of us together.” She swung her stick to walk to the nearest chair.
Beth clapped her hands to get attention of everyone. Kerry was serving Sherriff the biggest cookie on the plate, earning a pat on the shoulder. He came to stand by Oliver, giving him a fist bump behind the counter.
“It’s time we lift the ban, people.” Beth wasted no time. Murmurs and arguments followed her statement.
“But why was the ban put in place.” Kerry voiced out what the couple was also thinking. They had understood by now that they were not the only people blessed with magic in their town.
“Not today, Dear.” Beth smiled at her favorite boy before she turned to her friends, “I have seen these two learn and handle their powers well in the past few days.” She pointed to Mia and Oliver.
“I wouldn’t go as far.” Kerry started and was promptly shut up by a glare from his brother.
“And there are no threats if we keep it under wraps.” Sherriff wondered out loud with agreements from others.
“So, it is settled. Let’s go home and start rehearsing to teach the next ones.” They all filed out quickly after paying at the counter.
Mia stood shocked, “What just happened?”
“I think we will know in a few days.” He leaned sideways with her to see the giggling older generation of their town clapping and high fiving each other like they had just gotten out of school. They were more surprised at one vanishing through the thin air.
“I am going out.” Kerry grabbed his bag, only to be stopped short as Oliver grabbed the back of his collar.
“On a date. Oh…” Kerry turned around, giving his best puppy eyes, “Can I take her to Italy? Please.”
“What date? No! Italy? Sherriff will kill me!”
“No, He won’t. He respects me as a man now.” Kerry tried to stand taller on his toes.
“He just ruffled your hair before going out, and called you a kid!” Mia piped in, earning a look of betrayal.
“I don’t remember that! Maybe you imagined it.” Kerry put the remaining cookies in his bag.
“Kerry, please don’t come back in cuffs. And, don’t you dare go near that door!” Oliver pinched the bridge of his nose, his forehead veins making a prominent appearance.
Kerry was out of the door in seconds while Mia consoled Oliver how she would try her best to save him if Sherriff came brandishing his gun.
Their plan for the Valentine’s dinner went smoothly only after Kerry came back from his date, alone, with Beth in tow to look after him.
“So, will you be my Valentine?” Oliver offered her his hand to help her inside the door.
“I wouldn’t say No, now.” Her laugh warmed his heart as they stepped out in the City of Love to celebrate their day.
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Next week, Indian stories will resume
I wish I would have celebrated in the city of love
What a lovely Valentine. Nicely done, Isha!