I haven't read this post yet, because I am scared of any spoiler. But thanks for reminding me that the Season 2 is up. Will be back in sometime to read this piece

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I have tried to keep it spoiler free as it will go behind the paywall next week. Hope you like the show and the piece. Would love to hear your opinion.

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I absolutely LOVE this show -- it is a world class show with actors who are too! I'm still watching S2 so will be back with more...

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I know, right!? I tried to keep it spoiler free. I am sure you will enjoy the whole season. I agree. Mr. Ahlawat shines through the screen.

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He’s a MASTER. I’ll finish and then I’ll read your thoughts. Thanks for bringing it up.

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Yes. Can't wait to hear what you think too.

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Don't "experiment" with Paywalling. I did it three times without success. Finally, I just put it up and left it up. I don't expect to make it to fifty PAID this year, but I'm not taking it down. I started with 15 that I'd gathered during the previous year and a half. Since then, I've picked up 20. People just don't buy fiction. Usually, they pay into what you have simply because they want to support you. If they like your writing, they'll pay you, so you might as well leave it up. You have to actively grow your 'stack.If you FOLLOW more people, (but DON'T subscribe because you'll get buried in emails) but when you FOLLOW people, you appear on THEIR feed. You pick up more subscribers, and more Followers. Then you can try and win over your subscribers with an incentive to up-grade. When you pick up more subscribers, you stand a better chance than experimenting with putting the PAYWALL up and down. Hell, I even had an 80% off deal and people STILL wouldn't up-grade. I'd put it up, and just forget about it.

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Wow! Thank you, Ben. For taking the time out to explain this to me. I appreciate it. And I understand the points you have tried to make here because I also had paywalls up before. But then I took it down because Stripe stopped working in India. Now, I am working around to it. I think I also have to stop overthinking it and just go with posts that I want to put behind the paywall. About following, I have started getting more social on Substack. Till now, it has not been much but I am getting around to following more interesting people simply because I want my feed to get better. For now, it is a limited number of people and I get bored very soon. So that is another thing I have to work on. Again, thank you Ben.

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